Zega Mame Gear FAQs

  Can I use my own image?

Technically yes, but you would need to install all the required drivers manually for the LCD, GPIO input and audio output yourself. I do not support 3rd party images. If there are any issues while using your own image, I'm afraid I cannot help. Why not do it the easy way and download my pre-configured image

  Is there any soldering involved?

None at all. The kit comes pre-assembled ready to use.

  Do you have an installation guide?

I have added a pre-check and installation guide to the download area

  Can I use my Game Gear cartridges?

Unfortunately not. The Zega Mame Gear kit replaces the original game gear PCBs

  I live outside the UK, where can I buy the batteries?

I purchase all my batteries from Aliexpress. You can order them here. The Zega Mame Gear can use 2 lithium batteries but will happily run on one. See more info under Recommend Batteries

  Can I use AA batteries?
