Preparing a Gameboy DMG Shell

 Article is being updated

Preparing your Gameboy shell is relatively easy and requires few tools. I would recommend having at hand...

  • Snips
  • Small drill bit (2mm)
  • Stepped drill bit (Up to 11mm minimum)
  • Sharp Craft knife (Recommended)
  • Scotchbrite (Recommended)
  • Crosshead screwdriver

Step 1.

Remove the cartridge guard

Step 2.

Remove the two posts shown in the photo

Step 3.

Remove the battery springs

Step 4.

Remove these posts from around the LCD including the raised plastic surrounding the POWER led

Step 5.

Remove the post next to the buttons

Step 6.

Place the Button Bracket / Drill Guide into your shell

Step 7.

Using a small drill bit, drill a pilot hole

Step 8.

Using a stepped drill-bit enlarge the hole to 11mm. Go slow for a better and more accurate finish

Step 9.

Use a sharp knife to remove any excess plastic and to smooth / soften the edge

I sometimes use ScotchBrite to further "sand" the edges to soften them